Participants' work

Web designers working with us on Inclusive New Media Design made some websites and games for people with intellectual disabilities.

Ping Pong

This is based on the classic game ping pong, and is accessible to switch users. There is no winning or losing, merely a progressively visually and acoustically enhanced game.

The better a player performs the required actions, the more changes will happen to the game. This will be the case even if only one player manages to successfully perform the actions.


Users upload images of themselves and compose a list of their favourite things by choosing symbols. At the click of a button, users will view randomly-generated images of their listed items, and see pictures of other system users who also listed these items amongst their favourites.

iBrow aims to create positive experiences through the pleasures of seeing, and to build human relationships through visual connections.

Shopping Cart

This is a visual alternative to supermarket sites. Users can wheel a trolley through the aisles of a shop, and drag and drop content from shelves into their trolley.

The amount of money they have available is displayed visually on screen, and this reduces proportionally as users select items to purchase.

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